5 Tips To Get A Better IELTS Score
In English we have what we call the 5 w's of journalism. I actually was a journalist for a local paper for a time so I am very familiar with these 5 w's. These 5 w's are going to be important to know if you do well on your IELTS and go to college. They are also going to be important to know to help you get a good score on your IELS exam so you can get into that college.
The 5 w's are 5 questions you should answer. In journalism it is 5 questions to answer in an article. The 5 w's are Who, What, When, When, Why, with how occasionally being used and theb being called the 6 w's. These can be used in your writing and speaking section.
Writing is the more obvious time you will want to use these since these are for writing. They are a great tool though for improving your speaking too. They give you things you can think of to say about your question.
If you get the question what is your favorite book you would say what the name is, who wrote it (or who gave you the copy), when did you read it (or where does it take place), why did you read it (or why you liked it), and how you learned about it (or how often have you read it). You can probably see that these questions can be answered in many ways. Why for example could be why it was important to you, why you read it (a gift, a class assignment), or why you liked it.
You do not need to answer all the w's if you can't think of them. It should be a tool that will help you come up with things to say. It will also show a logical thought process and that shows mastery of the language. The writing section of the exam it will be more important to make sure you use as many of them as possible. This will really help make you stand out.
It also makes it easier for you to think of things to say or write. Many students get nervous and don't know how to go about having a conversation. The reality is that happens to many people even in their native language. Even native speakers have different levels of fluency. An English professor or a lawyer is much more fluent in their language than a auto mechanic for example. Words are important to their profession as well as their ability to use those words in front of people.
These 5 w's give you a simple template to use to answer the question. Often you get broad questions so having a more narrowed question like who will help you. Just make sure you don't get caught up in having to use all of them or any of them. For instance if you are asked where are you from it is fine to say the city and our country you are from. It would not hurt to elaborate on it and tell when the city was founded, where it is compared to the rest of the country, etc. In fact if you can elaborate on answers that will help you get a better score.
The important things to take away from this article is what the 5 w's are. Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. They are useful to use on the writing and speaking sections especially the writing. They can help you but should not hinder you. You do not have to use all of them or all of the time.
Finally when practicing try to use these. It will help you familiarize yourself with using them. You also might want to memorize them.
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